Extended timeline wiki brandenburg
Extended timeline wiki brandenburg

Xerxes trusts keeping the order on his planets completely to the local computer network. 1192 BG The First Hrethgir Rebellion on Walgis. Agamemnon and other Titans have themselves transformed to cymeks. Some systems on the edge of the Empire resist and found the League of Nobles led by Salusa Secundus. Barbarossa reprograms computers giving them human aggression and hunger for power. 20 people ( Titans) set out to conquer the Empire with him. Time of Titans 1287 BG Tlaloc fails to bring the Old Empire out of her slumber. Botanical testing stations are established on the planet. ? Scientists arrive on Arrakis to assess it for future colonization. 1381 BG The Zensunni break away from the religion of Maometh. ? Zensunnis and Zenshiites leave the non-Buddislamics and migrate outside the borders of the Old Empire. Some follow Vidad to Hessra to contemplate the universe or become hermit philosophers on inhabited worlds ? Schism in the Buddislamic religion: Zensunnis and Zenshiites break from each other. 2200 BG Arn Eklo, Kwyna, Vidad and others become Cogitors. ? The Old Empire is formed from the populated planets.

extended timeline wiki brandenburg

Sandtrout- sandworm- melange cycle begins.

extended timeline wiki brandenburg

? Sandtrout are brought to water-rich Arrakis and begin desertification. Later Shakkad himself claims credit for this. During the rule of Shakkad the Wise the scholar Yanshuph Ashkoko discovers the spice melange on Arrakis.Following the Second Interspace Migrations, the Jews hide their identity from the non-Jews.1.10 The War of the Bene Gesserit and Honored Matres.1.9 After Leto's Death: Famine Times & Scattering.

Extended timeline wiki brandenburg